Maze Generator

Author: Robert Jordan & Lewis Fox
Version: v1.0.0.2
A program for creating, editing, and generating mazes outside of Rollercoaster Tycoon 2. This program has the advantage of being easier and quicker to work with, as well as allowing unfilled maze tiles which the game does not allow.
Edit Mazes
Load Mazes
Pattern Generation
Walls Mode
Left clicking opens up a wall or quadrant, and right clicking closes a wall or quadrant.
Tiles Mode
Left clicking creates a new tile, and right clicking removes a tile, entrance, or exit.
Entrance Mode
Left clicking creates an entrance. The side with the door is where the building should connect to the maze.
Exit Mode
Left clicking creates an exit. The side with the door is where the building should connect to the maze.
Generate Mode
Left clicking on a tile starts maze generation at that position.
Restrict Mode
Left clicking creates a restricted quadrant, and right clicking removes it. Restricted quadrants cannot be used during maze generation.
Walls Make Tiles
When clicking outside of a maze tile in Walls mode, a tile will be created.
Fast Generation
Generation will only update after numerous calculations instead of just one. Turning this off is more just for fun than anything else.
Brick Walls
Changes the style of the maze walls to brick walls.
Changes the style of the maze walls to hedges.
Ice Blocks
Changes the style of the maze walls to ice blocks.
Wooden Fences
Changes the style of the maze walls to wooden fences.
Zoom Out
Zooms out the maze view.
Zoom In
Zooms in the maze view.
Toggles the visibility of the grid over maze tiles.
Download Maze Generator
Click here to download RCT2 Maze Generator as a standalone executable.